Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Think Through Mahabarta

1. My reaction of Arjuna was that was really the best weapon and that he distinguoshed by his excelent even though the arms drill.

3. The trait that were admire in the ancient India was the

4. My opion on Drona as a teacher is that he seems to be a dangerous teacher. Meaning what he make his students do.
*He answers Arjuna with pressure sometimes.
*The reason why he scold to others is because he wants them to be excelent in what the things he teach.
*The reason why he did not save himself from the crocodile is because he probably wanted the students to see what can happen if you dont fight back. But after that he he threw five arrows and killed the crocodile under water.

5. The reason why parents in Indian tell their children stories is becasue they want them to know the history from India.

6.Well Drona reminds me of one of the ancient movies that they play on telivison but I can't put my finger on the name of the movie.

7.Well based on this story, this lesson has things that I have experience. Based on my opion, I think this fiction

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