Wednesday, January 10, 2007

**Saddem Hussein Execution**

Well I think that he did lots of bab stuff but not him alone. What I think is that Saddem Hussein is a perosn that does't care for the life of ANY human bean. But I'm very concern on the part that the American killed Saddem Hussein. I don't think it was necceary or worth it of taken a life of human bean because it's not right. Even though Saddem and his people killed thousands of people on Setember 11, 2001 there was no reason why american had to kill him.
Saddem Hussein is not an innocent man but they should have place him in a jail for life tills he dies. My point of veiw was that I think the people in iraq of where ever Saddem is form was not pretty happy about that. Im scard for my life because I think that they will get revenge and make America pass though hell. And that my point of view of Saddem Hussein Execution.

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