Friday, February 2, 2007

Think Through The Literature

Page 283
1. Why does Oedipus send for Tiresias?
*The reason why Oedipus sends for Tiresias is Because he wants him to find the murderer of Lauis.
2. How does the chorus feel about Oedipus a this point in the play?
*Chorus felt that Oedipus need to know about his birth and he felt so sad because Oedipus didn't know that the prophecie will come true
3.Why do you think Oedipus is so determined to discover the murderer of Laius?
*The reason why Oedipus is so determine to discover the murderer of Lauis is Because he was wants to find out who and how the king look before he was placed king.
Page 300
1What did Oedipus do at "a place where three roads meet"?
*He meet Laruis(which it was his bioligical father) and had an agrument and killed him.
2.Why did Oedipus run away from his home in Corinth?
*He ran away because he was afriad that the prophecie that was told to him would become true. So he tried to avoid the prophecie to happen.
3.How would you describe Jocasta's view of prophets and prophecies?
*Jacasta view the prophets and the prophecies by saying that this was meant to be. My prospective, I see that he is probably saying that you can not avoid any prophecies.
4. What is the chorus's attitude toward the old prophecies?
* The choruss attitude towards the old prophecies is that the chorus was shock and was afraid how Oedipus would take the news.
Page 314
1. What did the sheperd do with his baby he was ordered to kill?
*He hung the baby so it can DIE
2. At this point in the play, how does the chrous regard Oedipus, the man who once saved Thebes?
*Chrous regrets Oedipus know the truth
3. How did Oedipus unknowingly bring the thing he most tried to avoid?
*Oedipus killed his father that he didn't no that if that was his biological father because they had an agrument. And some........ Than thats when he married this lady becasue he was being reward for..... so they had him married Jacasta. So Jacasta was hig biological mother
4.What do you predict Odedipus will do now that he knows the truth about his birth?
*What I predict that he will do to himself is that he probably will stop sleeping with his mother that is is his wife and MAYBE kill himself.

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